About Us


The Lord's Taverners exists to positively impact the lives of young people facing the challenges of inequality. We work across the UK and beyond to provide inclusive and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities to develop the knowledge, skills, capabilities and confidence required to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.

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Our Founding Patron

HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921 - 2021)

HRH The Prince Philip, a big cricket fan, became Patron and Twelfth Man of the Lord’s Taverners in 1950, the same year the charity was founded, and he remained an active Taverner until his passing in 2021. Along with his ongoing support of the charity at fundraising events and playing for the Taverners XI, he was also instrumental in introducing the Lord's Taverners ECB Trophy which is presented annually to the cricket county champions. The trophy was introduced in 1973 with His Royal Highness having recognised that until that time, the champions had never received a physical trophy so he decided to introduce one.

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HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh became Patron of the Lord's Taverners in 2025, during our 75th anniversary year. The Duke, who along with his brother King Charles III has also been a President of the Taverners, is passionate about the positive impact and opportunity offered by sport, and supporting the charity that uses cricket to empower and positively impact the lives of disadvantaged and disabled young people facing the challenges of inequality.


David Gower

David Gower became the 40th Lord's Taverners President in 2020, succeeding Sir Trevor McDonald in the role. Former England cricket captain Gower, who played 117 tests for his country and scored 8,231 runs, has been a long-term supporter of the charity having joined as a member in 1983.


Tim Luckhurst (Chair)
Suzy Christopher (Vice-Chair)
Abeed Janmohamed
Francis D’Souza
Rachel Kirby-Rider
Sukhjit Grewal
Mike Gatting
Paul Walker
Jenn Barnett
Gordon Kennedy

Learn more about our Trustee Board here.

Registered office
8-10 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0DH
Tel: 020 7025 0000

Registered Company no. 582579 (registered in England and Wales)

Registered Charity
England and Wales no. 306054
Scotland no. SCO46238

The Lord's Taverners is governed by its Articles of Association.

The Articles of Association require the charity to be managed by the Trustees who are also directors of the company. The Trustees comprise:

  • Three elected Trustees who are elected by voting members of the Lord's Taverners in annual elections, and serve for a three-year term. Retiring Trustees are eligible for re-election up to a maximum of a further two consecutive terms (i.e. nine years in total). Candidates for election are required to meet the criteria set out by the Nominations Committee before they are put forward to the membership. Further details are set out in the 'Nominations and Elections' document below.
  • Up to nine appointed Trustees who are appointed by Trustees after consultation with the Nominations Committee who are selected on the basis of skills and experience and who serve for terms of up to three years. They can be reappointed subject to a maximum of nine consecutive years.
  • The Trustees meet at least quarterly. The day to day management of the charity is the responsibility to the Chief Executive and executive team. Supporting the fundraising and charitable programme work of the charity are volunteer committees serviced by the executive staff.

Memberships & People

Our members are drawn from the world of entertainment, sport, the arts, the professions and commerce. A significant proportion of our fundraising each year is attributable to our members and volunteers across the country through the regions. Each region organises its own fundraising events. The dedication of our regional committees and members is a major strength of the organisation as a whole. Rules governing our membership are laid out in the association's bye-laws.

Charitable Programmes

Charitable programmes committee, which meets quarterly, is the Trustees' delegated committee for overseeing all of the charity’s activities, including the management of programmes, assessment of impact and the awarding of grants. It works closely with the Director of Charitable Programmes and her team. Further details of our charitable programmes can be found in our annual Impact Report.

Governance and Finance

The governance and finance committee has overall responsibility for governance within the charity. It includes a Trustee representative on the committee and reports to the Trustees on governance matters generally, including regular reviews of policies, risk, and charity commission and other regulatory guidance as it arises. It meets both prior to and following the annual audit of the accounts, as well as at other times during the year as deemed necessary.

Fundraising and Marketing

Commercial committee is the Trustees’ delegated committee for overseeing the charity’s fundraising and marketing activities. It works closely with the Director of Engagement and Partnerships and Head of Marketing, reviewing fundraising initiatives and monitoring progress against key performance indicators (KPIs).

Risk Management

The Trustees, with the support of the executive and the governance and audit committee in particular, continually assess the risks to which the charity is exposed, in particular those related to the delivery of programmes to young people, marketing and communications, the staging of events and other matters as they are identified. The Trustees are currently satisfied that there are systems in place to manage exposure to major risk.

Our Policies

Please see the below links to Lord's Taverners policies:

General Complaints Policy

Members' Complaints Policy

Whistleblowers Policy

Johnners Trust

The Lord's Taverners is a corporate Trustee of the Johnners Trust and has the power to appoint its other Trustees. The Trust raises funds to enable financial support to be given to young cricketers with the potential to succeed in the game, who are in financial need, as well as to cricket for the visually impaired - click here to learn more about the Johnners Trust.


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London W1A 2DG


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London EC4R 1AG


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8 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LQ


Click here to view our 2023 Annual Report (PDF - 2MB)
Click here to view our Articles of Association (PDF - 600KB)
Click here to view our Association Bye-laws
Click here to view our Nominations and Elections document

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