We Belong

Join our monthly programme to fight discrimination every day of the year

Your donation today will help tackle discrimination, empower young women and enhance communities

£15 could allow one participant to attend cricket sessions for a month.

Why monthly giving?

  • Consistent impact: Your monthly donation provides a reliable source of funding that allows us to plan effectively and extend our reach.
  • Virtual sponsorship: Your £15 a month funds the beginning of a journey for a participant, making you an integral part of their story in cricket and symbolising your connection with every individual that takes part.
  • Lead the charge: By becoming a monthly donor, you will help us continue leading the charge for inclusivity in cricket, breaking down barriers and creating a welcoming environment for all.
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We believe everyone has a place in cricket, no matter their race, gender or background.

This year, more than ever, we've recognised the issues that can impact the sport and how race, gender or background continue being a barrier to accessing and enjoying the game we love.

This year, more than ever, the young people in our communities need us. The cost-of-living crisis has been more than a headline for many; it has been a brutal reality that has denied many the simple joy of sport, the camaraderie you experience when being part of a team, and the life lessons that group sport teaches us.

We have long delivered safe and inclusive weekly community cricket sessions, that are providing part of the solution to these barriers in communities that need it most. But there is still so much more we can do together to reinforce our fundamental message.

Campaign Video


Together we can do more

Join us as we champion the cause of inclusivity and fight for equal access to the game

Because we all belong, no matter your race, gender or background.

Donate today

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