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Super 1s

Sophie's Story

Pre Super 1s, Sophie was reserved and quiet, now, she is a shining role model, who's changing the game for females with disabilities wanting to play cricket.

For all young people, having positive role models is vital in helping them realise their potential.

Sophie, who attends our Super 1s programme in Hampshire, is a shining example of this. Her ability to encourage those around her is truly inspirational, not only for her team mates, but for everyone who crosses paths with her.

Sophie got involved with Super 1s after being handed a flyer by former teacher Peter Francis at Oak Lodge School. Since getting involved, the teenager’s confidence has skyrocketed as cricket remains front and centre in her life.

"I'm grateful that something like this exists"

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Inspire Award

In 2023, Sophie won one of our two 'Inspire Awards', receiving the much deserved recognition after being a regular attendee at her Super 1s hub for over eight years and showcasing how much she has developed personally. She has become a brilliant role model for others and played a key role in making cricket a game for everyone. 

The award winners demonstrate the progress that young people with disabilities can achieve through their participation in Super 1s.

Hear more about Sophie's inspiring story in the video below.

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Inspire Awards



July 2023

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