Our Impact

We exist to positively impact the lives of young people facing the challenges of inequality. We work across the UK and beyond to provide inclusive and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities to develop the knowledge, skills, capabilities and confidence required to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.


The Need

accessible_forward-24px.svg 1.2m young people with a disability access sport rarely or not at all
Inequalities.png 4.3m people aged 8-18 living in England and Wales are at risk of inequality
ethnicity.svg 1.6m young people in the UK aged 5-17 are from an ethnic minority background
Deprivation.png 31% of young people aged 8-18 face the risk of inequality because of their proximity to the highest levels of areas of multiple deprivation
Female.png 1.9m girls in England and Wales aged 8–18 are in the bottom half of the Index of Multiple Deprivation decile
sports_cricket-24px.svg 25% of disabled people had taken part in an organised activity session in the last year, compared to 36% of non-disabled people

Our Goals

group_add-24px.svg 23,378 participants engaged in our programmes
sports-24px.svg 6,518 coaching sessions across Wicketz and Super 1s
Workshop.png 393 life skills workshops delivered through Wicketz and Super 1s
directions_run-24px.svg 91% of our participants said they felt more active
sentiment_satisfied_alt-24px.svg (1) 88% of our participants said they felt more confident
groups-24px-2.svg 92% of our participants said they felt more included
school-24px.svg 400 New SEND schools engaged through our new adapted disability cricket offer
Female.png 42% increase in female participation
recycled.png 37,004 items of sports kit donated to 12 countries

Find Out More

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