Our Strategy & Values
In 1950 our founders created a club with a purpose to maximise a shared passion for cricket to help young people less fortunate than themselves.
For over 70 years, the members of the Lord’s Taverners Club, which in 1964 became a charity with a proud club ethos, has seen thousands of committed and passionate people work together to raise money, tell our story and set about very successfully achieving the mission through a range of grant giving, asset donations and more recently direct programme delivery activities.
The work has been varied, and broad ranging throughout our history, but always with one primary objective – to support young people facing the challenges of inequality. Today, we are proud of and celebrate the successes of the past.
The past three years have been an incredibly challenging time, not just for the charity, but especially for the young people and the communities we work with. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, together with a range of other societal factors demonstrates that inequality remains the primary driver behind the significant challenges that so many young people and their communities face.
The need for our work is great and we are committed to ensure the charity is capable of meeting that challenge. We must ensure that the charity always puts empowering young people facing the challenges of inequality at the heart of all of our decision making and actions.
We need to continuously develop by transforming our culture, structure and approaches to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and the requirements of regulators and legislators. We must be a modern, forward looking, agile organisation that continuously develops to meet the ever changing environment as we approach the fantastic milestone of our 75th year.
Our ambitious strategy sets out the roadmap that we will follow to achieve our goals. To deliver our strategy, we will undertake a programme of transformational change, modernisation and development of all of our capabilities to ensure we can achieve our mission.
By drawing upon our own learning and understanding of the challenges of inequality through the work we do, we are also passionately driven to increasingly become a leading, credible voice and influencer of social change. This means playing a lead role in influencing and shaping policy making which helps to create a more equitable world for the young people we serve.

Our Purpose
We exist to empower and positively impact the lives of young people facing the challenges of inequality.

Our Vision
Every young person can overcome the challenges of inequality and achieve their potential.

Our Mission
Deliver high quality cricket programmes that will empower young people facing inequality to make positive choices, improve their health and wellbeing and achieve positive outcomes.
What We Do
We are a community of people and organisations that collaborate to provide innovative, inclusive, and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities to develop the knowledge, skills, capabilities, and confidence required to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.
Driven by a passion for equality, we strive to be a lead organisation at the heart of social change; maximising our knowledge, experience and insight gained through our work with young people and their communities experiencing inequality. We will collaborate and become a credible, expert voice and influencer, shaping attitudes, thinking and approaches to unite communities in the drive to overcome inequalities.
Our Strategic Objectives
We Will:
- Become A Values Led Organisation
- Be Impactful
- Grow Our Reach
- Lead Social Change
- Be Driven By Insight
- Create A More Sustainable Income Model
- Become A High Performing Organisation
We Will Empower Young People To:
- Increase Their Activity Level And Make Healthier Lifestyle Choices
- Increase Their Confidence And Self-Esteem
- Feel More Included And Make Friends
We Will Grow Our Reach By:
- Delivering Cricket In All 1,500 SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Schools
- Expanding Our Wicketz Programme To Areas Where We Are Needed Most
- Delivering Super 1s In Every County In England And Wales And Also Scotland By 2024
We Will Improve How We Work By:
- Investing In Our People To Develop Our Culture And Values
- Harnessing And Improving The Support Of Our Regions, Networks And Partnerships
- Implementing Transformational Business Change Across The Organisation

Our Values & Behaviours
Click here to find out moreFollowing our nationwide consultation process with members, supporters and many other key partners from across the whole Taverners community, we're delighted to say that the Board of Trustees have agreed to commit to the direction of travel set out within our new three-year strategy.
The focus of the strategy puts our work to empower young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities who face inequality, at the heart of everything we do.
It’s an exciting time for the charity as we build on our strong history and traditions and the success of our programmes with an ambitious strategy that takes us towards our 75th anniversary and ensures we deliver our life changing work to thousands more young people in the decades to come.
We'd like to thank all of you who took part in the consultation process and for your ongoing support of the charity.
Strategy Consultation
Listen to the thoughts of some of the key members, trustees and stakeholders who attended our Strategy Roadshows.