
At Lord’s Taverners, values and behaviours are important to us. All guests at Lord's Taverners events have a responsibility to behave in a way that shows respect for one another. We adopt a zero-tolerance approach when it comes to behaviours that sit outside of our ethics and values. See the link below for our full event terms and conditions, including further information about our values and behaviours.

Events Terms & Conditions

0 events nationwide

Super Sixes

Super Sixes

An exciting event bringing together the Lord's Taverners and the Golf Foundation for a unique competitive day of golf at The Berkshire Golf Club.

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Media Cricket Sixes
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Media Cricket Sixes

Join us for the Media Cricket Sixes day held at the wonderful Teddington Cricket Club.

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Peter Alliss Celebration Golf Day
Woburn was a fantastic venue for the Andrew Strauss Golf Day.jpg

Peter Alliss Celebration Golf Day

In memory of one of the finest and most recognisable voices in golf, the Peter Alliss Celebration Golf Day takes place on Thursday 25 September at Coombe Hill Golf Club.

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Long Room Concert
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Long Room Concert

Join us as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Long Room Concert with music from Alexander Armstrong.

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Carol Concert with the Stars

Carol Concert with the Stars

Please join us for this year’s Carol Concert with the Stars to get you into the festive mood, for all the family!

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