Our Events

Feast of Cricket

Venue: Woollams Playing Fields and Clubhouse

Join the Hertfordshire Lord's Taverners for their Feast of Cricket, featuring a Super 1s festival, two-course lunch followed by a cricket match between the Hertfordshire Lord's Taverners XI v Old Albanians Legends.

Celebrating the Lord's Taverners 75th Anniversary, join the Hertfordshire Lord's Taverners for their Feast of Cricket at Woollams Playing Fields and Clubhouse!

Experience Super 1s in action as all three Hertfordshire Super 1s hubs take part in a disability cricket festival in the morning, where tea and coffee will be available to purchase, followed by a two-course lunch served in the superb Woollams Clubhouse from midday (booking is required).

In the afternoon, you can enjoy a cricket match between the Hertfordshire Lord’s Taverners XI v Old Albanians Legends.

The well stocked and friendly Woollams cash/card bar will remain open throughout the match, encouraging a relaxing afternoon at the cricket.

For more details and to book lunch places please contact: Alan Philpott  alanjphilpott@gmail.com

Event information


Woollams Playing Fields and Clubhouse


Sunday 22 June 2025

Price (Grounds entry)


Price (Grounds entry and two-course lunch)

£35 per person

£350 per table of 10


10am Super 1s Festival

12pm Lunch

2.30pm Hertfordshire Lord's Taverners XI v Old Albanians Legends

Event location

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