Pre Test Dinner

Pre Test Dinner

Join the Lord’s Taverners East Midlands region and England and Nottinghamshire cricketing greats Stuart Broad and Harry Gurney at their pub, the Tap & Run.

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Eve of Test Dinner

Eve of Test Dinner

Join the West Midlands region for the Eve of Test dinner in Birmingham with Sir Curtly Ambrose and Sir Gordon Greenidge

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Thames Valley Newbury Race Day 2024

Thames Valley Newbury Race Day 2024

Join the Lord's Taverners Thames Valley Region and host Chris Tarrant, in a private box at Newbury Racecourse.

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Lunch at The Oval
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Lunch at The Oval

Join Darren Bicknell and the Lord’s Taverners Surrey region at the Kia Oval for Surrey v Lancashire, with special guests Mike Gatting and Robert Powell.

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Cookery Demonstration and Lunch with Angela Gray

Cookery Demonstration and Lunch with Angela Gray

Join the South Wales region for a South of France late summer cookery demonstration and lunch with Angela Gray.

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Newcastle Race Day
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Newcastle Race Day

Join the Lord's Taverners Northumberland and Durham region for a day at the races!

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Norfolk Festive Christmas Party

Norfolk Festive Christmas Party

Join the Lord’s Taverners Norfolk region for their annual Charity Christmas event in 2024.

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Somerset Christmas Lunch

Somerset Christmas Lunch

Join the Somerset region for their Christmas Lunch at the home of Somerset CCC.

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