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Regional Events

North Norfolk Christmas Lunch and Shopping Day

Venue: Briarfields Hotel

Join the Lord’s Taverners North Norfolk region for a fun filled day of Christmas shopping and festive lunch at the Briarfields Hotel. 

There will be an array of stalls from local businesses, including new ones for this year! Shop till you drop, then relax over lunch. 

For more information, please contact Kathy Chalk at LordstavernersNNORF@lordstaverners.org or call 07875 186954.

Please check availability with Kathy Chalk prior to booking. To book, please complete this booking form and return as requested.

Thank you to Briarfields Hotel for their continued support with this event.

Event information


Briarfields Hotel


Tuesday 28 November 2023


£40 per person


Welcome glass of fizz

Two-course festive lunch

Coffee and tea with stollen and mince pies


10am - Stalls open

12.30pm - Lunch (stalls closed during lunch)

4.30pm - Carriages

Event location

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