Dear School,
Congratulations on acquiring one of our new table cricket sets!
As you may know, we have been busy developing the new equipment for over four years now with many days and hours being spent by our team designing a set that will bring your pupils maximum enjoyment out of playing table cricket. While it has been made to last and is really robust, the equipment can still break and parts can go missing, so please handle it with care.
Your local County Cricket Board coach should be able to provide you with support on setting up the kit and playing table cricket, but we have also included some useful resources below for you to access.
If you have any additional questions, please contact your local County Cricket Board coach or email us at programmes@lordstaverners.org.
Happy playing!
Lord’s Taverners
Set Up Video
This is a video guide from our designers on how to set up your new table cricket kit

Guide to Table Cricket
NB: please bear in mind we are currently going through the process of updating this guide. However, the rules and set up will remain the same so please feel free to use this guide in the meantime.
Guide to Table CricketLeave a Legacy
If you would like to learn more about the development journey of the new equipment and the difference it will make to our participants please watch the below video.