
Case Study | Grace

In January 2020 Grace completed her many years of treatment for Leukaemia. But devastatingly, within two months of receiving such a major boost, she was having to shield due to Covid.

Her family, teammates and those around her are in awe of her positivity – during the intensive phase of her treatment, although she felt tired and sick and lost her hair, she remained cheerful and even in the darkest times remained positive.

At a really difficult and frustrating time for Grace, Wicketz helped her.  Not only was cricket an activity she could do, but through it she made lots of new friends.  At a time when it was easy to feel isolated and alone, she had a new support network and sport she loved to look forward to.  “Wicketz was a life-line for Grace, everyone was so supportive and it helped keep her busy and was a welcome distraction from her treatment.  She was so out of the loop with missing school and other activities for so long but Wicketz gave her the confidence to get back in” said Dad, Graeme. 

Grace has gone from being shy and quiet, feeling her way back into her life, to happily talking to everyone, with her natural leadership skills emerging alongside her growing confidence.  Her coach says his confidence is also boosted by knowing he has played a part in Grace’s transformation.

The restrictions and isolation of lockdown were difficult but Grace is now enjoying playing cricket again with her friends. Her mum tells us what Wicketz does for Grace: “It gives her escapism, a challenge, a release, time with friends. I love seeing the smile on her face when she is playing, you can see the happiness.”

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