Emmanuel's Story
Emmanuel, who is 14, lives in a deprived area of Glasgow where his family has few economic advantages, and social cohesion is a big issue. He has been coming to Wicketz sessions in Springburn since April 2018, alongside children from a vast range of cultural backgrounds.
When Emmanuel started coming to Wicketz, he didn’t take any part of it seriously – just like at school. However, it wasn’t long before there was a marked change in his attitude showing not only in the cricket sessions but also at school and home. According to his school, he is now excelling academically. He has also become an integral part of the Wicketz community, where he now serves as a young leader and mentor to other participants.
Over the course of his time with Wicketz, Emmanuel’s mother has observed significant changes in his personal and social development. He has formed many new friendships and he now takes care of his sister at home and during Wicketz sessions, and helps her with homework. The leadership workshops at Wicketz have helped Emmanuel develop his skills and sense of responsibility. He has become more conscientious about supporting the coach and his team, and he has taken on more responsibilities such as serving as the captain of his team.
Emmanuel’s fitness and physical and mental health have also improved since he started. He is able to sustain activity for longer and has really taken on board the healthy eating message Wicketz teaches its participants - where he used to bring chocolate and fizzy drinks to sessions, he now brings water and fruit and chooses more vegetables at home. He is now a regular gym goer and motivates his friends to do the same. He has become a helping hand to his friends and a role model for new participants. Emmanuel has made a remarkable turnaround and is now determined to pursue meaningful goals and take positive steps towards a brighter future – he is now planning to sign up to volunteer for the police.
Both Emmanuel’s parents have become involved with Wicketz too and are enjoying the social inclusion this has brought the family as they socialise with the wide range of people involved in the Glasgow project.

February 2023