Our Impact

Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem

The growth of young people in all aspects of life is strongly linked to their confidence levels. Confidence is the foundation for young people to develop their personal skills, self-esteem and independence, which helps them lead more fulfilling lives.

Confidence is key for personal development

Self-esteem and confidence are vital for the growth of young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged backgrounds. They help improve wellbeing and personal development within their communities. Studies show a strong link between sports and mental health, with young people in underserved areas benefiting from physical activity.

Regular participation boosts self-worth, resilience, and mental health. Confidence also helps combat depression and loneliness, and our programmes provide a supportive environment for young people to thrive through consistent activity in local community hubs. 

Kimberley's Story

Kimberley and her mum.JPG

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