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Update from the Chair - new trustee appointment

Update from the Chair - new trustee appointment

Please read the following news update from chair of the Board of Trustees Tim Luckhurst.

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Lord’s Taverners programme update for November Lockdown

Following the latest UK government national Covid-19 restrictions and ECB statement, all organised recreational activity indoors and outdoors will be suspended from today (5 November) until 2 December in England.

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Wicketz in Crawley receives funding boost

Wicketz in Crawley receives funding boost

The Lord’s Taverners has received a grant of £4,000 from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund to help fund the delivery of Wicketz in Crawley.

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Table Cricket set to return across the country

Table Cricket set to return across the country

Following government advice and ECB guidance we’re delighted to be able to share that after an absence seven months, table cricket can start its return within schools, colleges and other educational environments.

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Bowser named disability cricketer of the year

Bowser named disability cricketer of the year

England Learning Disability squad batsman Dan Bowser has been named the Lord’s Taverners Disability Cricketer of the Year for 2020.

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Get behind the Super 1s staff fundraiser
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Get behind the Super 1s staff fundraiser

12 of our Super 1s staff have come together for the very programme that they help to lead in their communities across the country, and started their very own fundraiser to help the charity.

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News update from the Chairman
Lord's Stripes

News update from the Chairman

Please see the following update from Lord's Taverners Chairman Tim Luckhurst on the latest fundraising and Trustee Board news.

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Lloyd Scott completes 3 Peaks Challenge
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Lloyd Scott completes 3 Peaks Challenge

Lloyd Scott has completed his 3 Peaks Challenge after battling through torrential rain, strong winds and near zero visibility to reach the summit of Snowdon on Monday lunchtime.

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