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First ever girls Wicketz festival announced

First ever girls Wicketz festival announced

Lord’s Taverners will host its first Girls Wicketz residential cricket festival in August with the life changing project attracting record female participation

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Plymouth and Bristol youngsters enjoy West Country Wicketz Festival

Plymouth and Bristol youngsters enjoy West Country Wicketz Festival

West Country clashes on the sporting field have a long and legendary history but there was a match up with a difference for youngsters from Plymouth and Bristol.

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Wicketz hits mental health for 6

Matches between Lancashire and Yorkshire have thrown up plenty of twists and turns, but there was a Roses match up with a difference where youngsters from projects in Manchester and Leeds/Bradford came together.

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Support our Christmas Wicketz appeal

Help support our Wicketz programme this Christmas. Your support could help us change the lives of disadvantaged young people across the UK through Wicketz.

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A whole new ball game

Our guest writer Steve Morgan visited the national Wicketz residential festival at Repton School in August to find out how Wicketz is changing lives.

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Roses rivals unite through Wicketz

There was a Roses match up with a difference in Bradford this week where participants from Wicketz hubs in Bradford and Manchester, delivered by the Yorkshire and Lancashire Cricket Foundations, came together through cricket at the Karmand Community Centre for a day of competition and life skills workshops.

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Wicketz joins forces with Sugar Smart
Teachers explaining concepts to a class

Wicketz joins forces with Sugar Smart

Wicketz is raising awareness amongst Plymouth communities about the detrimental effects of excess sugar through a partnership with Sugar Smart.

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Ball is thrown at stumps

Wicketz festival of cricket in Luton

Over 100 young people, from Luton Wicketz hubs came together for the biggest inter-hub cricket festival in Wicketz history last week.

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