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Taverners XI in South Africa

The Lord’s Taverners Celebrity Cricket XI are heading to South Africa in 2020 for a fundraising tour and you can be part of the official touring party from March 2-9.

The spa town of Pocos de Caldas in south-eastern Brazil is an unlikely place to have been engulfed by the England cricket fever of 2019. But take a stroll around the parks, squares and gardens of this municipality to the north of São Paolo and increasingly you will see shirts with ‘Stokes’ or ‘Buttler’ on the back as youngsters smash their own sixes and take spectacular catches.

Featherstone added: “There are kids in this town that play cricket every week. Every one of them now has something to do with cricket, whether it’s a shirt from Surrey, a Lord’s Taverners bat, a pair of pads – things that would have been impossible – and I just want to say thank you to the Lord’s Taverners for this amazing opportunity.”

Watch the below film on the impact donated kit has had both on cricket and the lives of those who now play the game in Brazil.

To donate your kit, please click here


Cricket Brazil Case Study


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