
Update from Tim Luckhurst following the September Trustees' Meeting

It is wonderful to see and hear that our Super 1s and Wicketz programmes have resumed after being halted by COVID19.   These programmes are at the very heart of our charity and it really is a great boost for our development officers and participants to be back, safely enjoying the physical and mental benefits that these programmes deliver.

This is a short note following our Trustees’ meeting earlier this week and ahead of a much more comprehensive communication I will be making later this month regarding the Review of Governance.  A significant amount of work is taking place by the Trustees and we expect to be able to communicate our findings and our implementation plan by the end of September.  I will be writing to all members as well as communicating though our website and other media channels to ensure as many people as possible are aware of our findings.

I can inform you that we have created a Change Management Committee that I will Chair and comprising of Sandra Verkuyten (Trustee), Peter Presland (Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee), Richard White (Trustee), Tim Berg (COO) and Paul Robin (CEO).  This team will be advised and supported by RSM, one of the UK’s most highly regarded management consultancies, and is tasked with helping us develop an implementation plan to ensure the smooth delivery of the charity’s governance in the months and years ahead.

In the meantime, I would welcome the opportunity to meet as many members and supporters of the Lord’s Taverners as possible and I will be at Tring Park Cricket Club on Sunday 13th September participating in the Taverners XI vs England Physical Disability Team and would be delighted to see you if you can make it.

For more information about the game - please click here.



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