
Want a printed version of our Long Room magazine?

We're always working to improve our online publication usability but we're aware that some may still want a printed version of the Long Room.

During the pandemic we took the cost saving decision to make our Long Room magazine and annual Impact Report digital only publications, which are both now emailed to you in addition to being hosted on our website. We hope you are finding the new platform on which we are hosting our publications accessible and see how it allows us to bring some of our impactful stories to life using video.

We are constantly working to improve the usability of our online publications to make them even easier to access, but we are aware that this may not work for everyone, and some members would still like to receive a printed version of the Long Room by post.

With that in mind, we are asking all members who would like to receive a hard copy of the publications to email us via contact@lordstaverners.org. For those who would like that, we will make the necessary arrangements to have them posted to your preferred address.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the charity.

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