Write Your Will for Free

In partnership with Farewill

Leave a lasting impact

Write your free will today with our trusted partners, Farewill

Whilst there is no obligation to include a gift in your will, we hope you will consider leaving a gift to the Lord’s Taverners once your loved ones are provided for.

Get started

If you have a more complex will or live in Northern Ireland or Scotland, please speak to a Farewill specialist.

Book a telephone appointment here

Why Farewill?

  • They are the UK’s #1 will writing service.
  • Farewill’s specialist team are available to help you over the phone or email, Monday to Friday from 9am - 6pm.
  • They have created friendly and easy to use online guides to answer your questions, and help you prepare to write your will.
  • You can update your will at any time through their unlimited changes service.

How to make a free will with Farewill

  • Answer Farewill's step-by-step questions online.
  • Wait for it to be approved by a Farewill expert.
  • Print and sign your will in front of two witnesses.
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What leaving a legacy to the Lord’s Taverners could achieve

Through leaving a gift in your will, you can help us provide free and inclusive cricket programmes for future generations. Leave a lasting impact today.

  • £500 could provide a table cricket set for a SEND setting, enabling young people with a disability to play the game for the first time.
  • £1,000 could fund a Super 1s hub for two months.
  • £8,500 could fund the delivery of a Wicketz hub for an entire year.

Get in touch

Have any questions? Find out more by getting in touch at contact@lordstaverners.org.


Frequently asked questions about the Farewill free will writing service

How do I make a will using Farewill?

  1. Visit https://farewill.com/lords-taverners
  2. Answer the questions about your wishes either online or over the phone.
  3. Wait for your answers to be checked by expert will writers. 
  4. Print your will off when finished and sign it alongside two witnesses. Your witnesses must be over 18 years old and cannot be beneficiaries of your will, or the spouse of one of your beneficiaries.

How do I leave a gift in my will to Lord's Taverners? 

  1. During the questionnaire from Farewill they will ask if you would like to leave a gift to charity.   
  2. You can select that you would like to leave a gift to Lord's Taverners. Please ensure you include our full name (Lord's Taverners), address (Fivefields, 8-10 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH) and registered charity number (306054 (England and Wales), SCO46238 (Scotland)).

I already have a will. Can I update it with Farewill?

If you already have a will from a solicitor or another provider, there's a high chance that they'll ask you to pay if you want to change or update it. In some cases, this could end up costing over £150 – and you still won't have an easy way to update it in the future.

If your old will is out of date, you could make a new will for FREE. This would then allow you to update your will anytime in the future for just £10 a year. And remember, once you’ve printed and signed your new will alongside two witnesses, it’s important that you dispose of your old will to avoid confusion for your executors.

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