Hit Inequality for Six

£6 a month could sponsor cricket programmes for equal access to the game

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We don’t coach cricket. We educate through cricket.

Over 1 million young people with disabilities in the UK don't have access to organised sport activities. Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds face a similar challenge.

And yet, these are exactly the young people who could benefit the most from access to organised sports in a local community environment.

Our inclusive programmes go far beyond just playing the game. They break down barriers and empower each individual to become the best version of themselves!

Love cricket? Join us.

Sponsor free, inclusive cricket sessions for equal access to the game, no matter your background or physical circumstances.

Donate today

Increase physical activity levels and independence

Young people living in or near the least affluent areas are known to be the least active and are less likely to have the opportunity to access sustained high quality structured activities. 1.2m young people with a disability in the UK access sport rarely or not at all.

Regular activity, be it physical exercise or social activity is beneficial to both physical and mental health. Your donation will get more young people moving!

91% of our participants said they felt more active


Improved confidence and self-esteem

Self-esteem and confidence are crucial to the development of young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are key in keeping feelings of depression and loneliness at bay. 

Your donation facilitates environments where young people can thrive through regular healthy activity, giving them a healthy alternative to feelings of isolation and heavy social media use, both things that increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

88% of our participants said they felt more confident

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Promote social inclusion and develop essential life skills

Participating in regular local cricket sessions gives young people involved, and their parents or carers, the chance to tackle the challenges of inequality together.

Your donation helps fund residentials, coaching and regular sessions that offer young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities the opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves. Something that helps them achieve their potential, no matter what.

92% of our participants said they felt more included


Why join #TeamTavs?

group_add-24px.svg 28,669 participants engaged through our inclusive cricket programmes
sports_cricket-24px.svg 25% of disabled people had taken part in an organised activity session in the last year, compared to 36% of non-disabled people
Inequalities.png 4.3m people aged 8-18 living in England and Wales are at risk of inequality
Love cricket? Join us.

Sponsor free, inclusive cricket sessions for equal access to the game, no matter your background or physical circumstances.

Join Today

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