Raise money for the charity through ShareGift
What is ShareGift for?
ShareGift is a grantmaking foundation (registered as The Orr Mackinotsh Foundation) that specialises in releasing value from small shareholdings and cash amounts.
People often have small value holdings of shares and other investments for many different reasons. Such small amounts of shares are often difficult or even impossible to dispose of because of the costs involved, but ShareGift provides a solution.
Even if you have just one or two shares, ShareGift can help you deal with this administrative problem and in a charitable way. It exists to realise as much value as possible from unwanted shares by grouping them, selling them, and using the proceeds to make donations to a wide range of charities based on the suggestions of donors and supporters.
How does it work?
When someone donates shares to ShareGift, they arrange to transfer them into the name of The Orr Mackontish Foundation.
Shares are collected until ShareGift has enough of any one share type to sell collectively. In the meantime, shareholdings may attract additional dividends which helps create a larger pool of funds for nominated charities.
Since 1996, ShareGift has generated a multi-million-pound stream of funding for thousands of charities.
Why donate to us through ShareGift?
Many charities cannot accept share donations as they do not have the specific expertise to deal with them and are likely to spend a large proportion of the share value on seeing the proceeds from any sale. Often the amount of work and the costs involved for an individual or any benefiting charities when shares are sold, may be off-putting and labour-intensive, resulting in shares often lying dormant.
ShareGift can accept these unwanted shares that charities or brokers can’t assist with. It is a well-regarded charity that offers a solution to individuals and organisations who have unwanted shares or assets to donate. ShareGift can benefit from its free links to stockbroking and custodial services, thanks to the generous support of key partners so it can maximise donations for charities like us from selling shares and effectively combining shareholdings.
How could your shares benefit the Lord’s Taverners?
If you are considering splitting a small or large value share donation between several different charities or would want the proceeds to support our work specifically, transferring them over to ShareGift and suggesting us as your chosen charity would be a cost-effective way of helping to support the Taverners.
ShareGift has a dedicated team that takes you through the process of selling your shares and can accept and act upon several charity suggestions or nominations.
ShareGift does not fundraise and will only contact you in respect of any share donations you wish to make. They do not send unsolicited mailings, pass on your details to beneficiary charities or any other third parties; so, your donation can effectively be anonymous.
If you would like further details on ShareGift please contact Joe Edward-Few on 020 7025 0006 or joe.edward-few@lordstaverners.org.