Become a Member
Support our work to positively impacts the lives of young people facing the challenges of inequality by becoming a member of the charity.
We work across the UK and beyond to provide inclusive and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities to develop the knowledge, skills, capabilities and confidence required to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.
Become part of a vibrant cricket based charity and club, supporting young people across the country facing the challenges if inequality. As a member you'll get the opportunity to be involved in both national events and those organised by our regional volunteers, that help to raise funds for, and awareness of, our national inclusive cricket programmes.
Apply for Membership
Membership of the Charity:- £50 joining fee and £100 annual subscription (under 35s £40 a year).
As a Lord’s Taverner you would also be a member of the charity under company law and therefore would participate in any votes on the strategy of the charity, its Trustees, or other matters as they arise from time to time.
To apply for membership please download the membership form. The application form also includes a section to be completed by your Proposer before the form is sent to us.
You can pay for your membership via direct debit - just download this form.
Rules governing our Membership are laid out in our Code of Conduct
If you have any questions then please contact the office on 020 7025 0000 or email membership@lordstaverners.org.
Our Membership Regions
A significant proportion of our fundraising each year is attributable to our all-volunteer regions.
Each region organises its own fundraising events and play an important role in supporting the work of the charity. The dedication of our Regional Committees and Members is a major strength of the organisation as a whole.
See below for a map and contact details of all our regional committees.