Templates and Resources
Local Issues
Anti-social Behaviour and Crime
Extremism and Radicalisation:
- Education Programme | Since 9/11
- Understanding and preventing extremism - Lesson plan
- Valuing diversity - Extremism
Gang Culture:
Knife Crime:
- Laws on knife carrying - Lesson plan
- Consequences of knife crime - Lesson plan
- Keeping safe - Lesson plan
County Lines:
Water Safety:
- Drowning - Lesson plans (secondary school)
- SEND Royal Life Saving - Activities
- SEND beach flags - Flash cards
- SEND water safety - Activities
- The dangers of frozen water - Fact sheet
- Water Safety - PE activities (9-11 year olds)
- Water Safety - PE activity two
- Coastal and beach lesson
Fire Safety:
- Fire safety - Flash card
- SEND if there is smoke - Activity
- Fire safety - Physical activity game
- Fire safety - Presentation
Cyber Safety:
- Wicketz cyber safety - Workshop
- Safetygram - Worksheet
- Safetygram - Cut outs
- Digital footprint - Activity
- Safe or unsafe - Activity cards
- SEND Online reputation and social networking -Lesson plan
Rail Safety:
First Aid:
- Learn CPR in 15 minutes | RevivR | BHF - BHF
- Case studies and first aid scenario cards
- CPR - Sorting card activity
- Emergencies and calling for help - Scenario answer cards
- When to call 911 - Sorting activity
- Staying safe - Activity
- Test your ambulance calling skills - Quiz
- How to call for help and the stages - Presentation
- Introduction to first aid and getting help - Presentation
- Recycling interactive - Workshop
- Rubbish - Workshop
- Super 1s recycling - Workshop
- Recycle it - Earth Day game
- Recycling - Flash cards
- Reduce your carbon footprint - Activity
- Environmental awareness - Workshop
- Action Pack Resources | RecycleNow
Road Safety:
- Road Safety - Flash cards
- Crossing the road safely and decision making - Workshop
- Public transport - Workshop
- Public transport - Workshop two
- Super 1s road awareness and promoting the use of public transport
- Gambling and gaming - 1 hour activities (16+)
- Gambling and gaming - 20 minute activities (U16)
- Gaming and gambling - Mental health - 20 min activities (U13)
- Gambling money - Debt - 20 min activities (U13)
- Gambling icebreakers - Activities
- Gaming behaviours and spending money - Lesson plan
- Gaming behaviours and spending money - Worksheet
Equality and Diversity
Learning Difference and Inclusion:
- Resources for Educators | EqualiTeach
- Identity - Worksheet
- Learning about diversity and difference - Session plan
- LGBT+ - Worksheets
- LGBT+ - Lesson presentation
- Walter Tull 'no barriers' (Black Lives Matter) - Session plan
- Challenging stereotypes - Activities
- Common stereotypes - Flash cards
- Gender stereotype - Worksheet
- Gender stereotypes - Session plan
- Women's rights - Quiz
- Stereotypes - Scenarios
- Valuing diversity - Activity
- Who am I - Presentation
- A guide to the basics of Ramadam
- Learning difference and stereotyping - Resource
- Bullying solve a problem - Worksheet
- Anti-bullying Week - Bullying vs banter - Social situation
- About bullying - Scenario cards
- Think before you speak - Activity
- Bullying - Lesson plan
Disability Awareness: